Military Standard ︎
Paper EP
1. D-Fund
2. European Bleating
3. Indoctrinaires ‘84
4. Dynastic Bastards
5. Peace / Agency
6. Dub Standard
Jud Crandall - bass, guitar, drums, saxophone, voice
Emily Saab - drums, voice
Sebastian Fleet - guitar, voice
Made by Usse Summer-Fall 2020 at S779
Mastered by Corey Bonnevie at Monopolized
Spoken audio in 3, 4 sampled from the broadcast farewell speech of Pierre Trudeau at the Liberal Party Convention in Ottawa, June 1984.
Peace / Agency written by Construction & Destruction (Colleen Collins, Dave Trenaman), Noli Timere 2017.
Martial powers since Confederation have been set for 153 years, in concert between federal Liberal (88) and Conservative (65) parties.
Extra Final
Military Standard ︎
Paper EP
1. D-Fund
2. European Bleating
3. Indoctrinaires ‘84
4. Dynastic Bastards
5. Peace / Agency
6. Dub Standard
Jud Crandall - bass, guitar, drums, saxophone, voice
Emily Saab - drums, voice
Sebastian Fleet - guitar, voice
Made by Usse Summer-Fall 2020 at S779
Mastered by Corey Bonnevie at Monopolized
Spoken audio in 3, 4 sampled from the broadcast farewell speech of Pierre Trudeau at the Liberal Party Convention in Ottawa, June 1984.
Peace / Agency written by Construction & Destruction (Colleen Collins, Dave Trenaman), Noli Timere 2017.
Martial powers since Confederation have been set for 153 years, in concert between federal Liberal (88) and Conservative (65) parties.
Extra Final