Military Standard ︎
Paper EP

1. D-Fund
2. European Bleating
3. Indoctrinaires ‘84
4. Dynastic Bastards
5. Peace / Agency
6. Dub Standard

Jud Crandall - bass, guitar, drums, saxophone, voice
Emily Saab - drums, voice
Sebastian Fleet - guitar, voice

Made by Usse Summer-Fall 2020 at S779
Mastered by Corey Bonnevie at Monopolized

Spoken audio in 3, 4 sampled from the broadcast farewell speech of Pierre Trudeau at the Liberal Party Convention in Ottawa, June 1984.

Peace / Agency written by Construction & Destruction (Colleen Collins, Dave Trenaman), Noli Timere 2017.

Martial powers since Confederation have been set for 153 years, 
in concert between federal Liberal (88) and Conservative (65) parties.

Extra Final